Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act makes it illegal to deny a work opportunity to an individual based on race, sex, religion or national origin. Individuals in the Tri-State area of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey should expect these protections in all things regarding employment and applying for jobs. These areas include hiring, salaries, promotions, termination, training and others.
Title VII employment law also protects against hiring decisions based on stereotypical assumptions about the traits, ability and performance of members of any particular minority group. This protection is valid against intentional discrimination as well as company policies that result in a disproportionate number of minorities not receiving job opportunities.
It is also illegal to deny an employment opportunity to a person who is married to a member of another racial group. The same is true for a person who is a member of an ethnic group or organization, exhibits the culture or dress or a particular minority group, or attends a school or place of worship frequented by a specific group of minorities.
Characteristics attributed to race
Title VII protects against the use of a fixed trait commonly associated with a racial group, like the color of skin or hair as well as facial features, to deny employment opportunities to an individual. Not all members of a particular racial group need to share a trait for this Title VII protection to apply.
Title VII also addresses discrimination based on a condition that is specific to a particular race. One example includes a policy that would exclude employees with sickle cell anemia. This policy would qualify as Title VII discrimination due to the fact that sickle cell occurs predominantly within the African American community.
All Americans should enjoy the same levels of protection against discrimination based on age, race, sex or other individual characteristics while on the job or in search of an employment opportunity. Individuals who feel that they have been denied a work opportunity as a result of discrimination may be able to find a remedy for the problem through consultation with an experienced employment law attorney.